Before You Leave the Hospital: The Ultimate Checklist

Giving birth is a nothing short of a whirlwind experience. It’s the official cherry-on-top to solidify the last nine months of weird bodily functions and unexpected mood swings. We know that childbirth comes with all kinds of excitement, emotions, and racing thoughts. After some serious quality time spent in the labor and delivery room, it can be hard to make sure you check off your mental checklist before you leave the hospital with your newborn in tow. That’s why we gathered the four most important things you should do before you leave the hospital.

Take advantage of the free stuff
They’re not kidding when they say the best things in life are free, and the hospital is no exception. Most hospitals offer new moms all kinds of freebies and diaper bag essentials to make your adjustment back home as seamless as possible. Pro tip? Don’t pass on the nasal aspirator. Infant boogers can be more trouble than they need to be. You can trust us on this one. Whether it’s complimentary diapers and wipes, baby blankets, or free advice, stock up on all the free stuff--you’ll need it.

Get emergency contact information
It’s normal to have the new-mom jitters when you’re discharged from the hospital. If there’s anything that will make you feel more comfortable, it’s definitely getting ahold of the contact information of your obstetrician and any other emergency medical professionals. Though you may never need it, you’ll rest easy in the first few weeks knowing you have your doctor’s digits just in case.

Watch a nurse swaddle your baby
The way a nurse can swaddle a baby is a pure gift to us all. It truly is an art. Watch how your nurse wraps your newborn in the hospital blanket before you leave. Ask for tips. Gain insight on how to carry out this beautiful process of child care. Then rest-assured, you will replicate this act with your new mom superhuman powers.

Ask the questions
If there’s one thing you can learn from giving birth, it’s that being shy won’t get anything accomplished. That rule applies from the moment you check in to the second you walk out of the hospital doors with your little one. Post-delivery is as perfect a time as any to ask all the questions racing through your head. Whether you’re concerned about basic care instructions or you’re unsure of how to transport your baby home safely, ask away. No one’s judging you!

Taking your newborn home for the first time can be a little hectic so take our hospital discharge checklist with you.

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